Friday, August 8, 2014

+++Update on LindaLee+++

     Still in hospital and platelets on a "very slow" upswing which is goo.  I have been on a chemo drug for 13 days now and another was added yesterday.  This second one is infused and took about five hours.  No bad effects from this second medication which I'll receive every eight days.  Want to remind ya'll that I don't have cancer, praise the Lord.  Just the fact that my platelets dropped dangerously low after my spleen removal is what has kept me here.  My infusions of platelets have decreased though, so something positive is happening.
     In the meantime, I am appreciating all prayers, and please keep them coming so that I may become well enough to go home.  Love ya'll.


  1. Keep your spirits high... keeping you in my thoughts....

  2. So sorry to hear about what you are going through dear Linda. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers (HUGS)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My dear you are always in my prayers and thoughts xx
    Love you xxx

  5. Come home soon linda , we miss you hugs.

  6. Thank you all my dear sweet friends for your thoughts, messages and prayers. They have all helped and meant so much to me. We got some wonderful news this morning! My platelets are up to 35,000! We just pray that they stay at least that high or continue to climb as they should. Feel the colors today my friends! Love you all.

  7. I'm so happy to hear that your platelets are up now Linda. Continuing to pray for you my dear!


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