Saturday, December 14, 2013
RAK from Carolyn
Some lovely beads arrived this week for my current project from Carolyn. She also included some beading needles :) I can hardly wait to get the stitching finished so I can begin to bead!
Thank you again Carolyn for your very thoughtful and generous RAK. It is very much appreciated :)
Friday, November 1, 2013
i am feeling like a happy puurfect cat today :)
such a sweet RAK from dear BIANCA....
super sweet cat card......just perfect for ME...a CAT LADY I AM ^-^
and ...
the whole set of LK SNOW BELLES charts.....i am sooooooooooooooooooooo
crazyyyyyyy happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
these cute snow buddies made my day.....
in a summery african day today....
i smiled and smiled alotttttttttttt
love and hugs
Thursday, October 31, 2013
super fairy cute..
my sweet gift....
RAK from dear JUNE...
thank you dear..i love my gift so much.... i will open my other chrismas present on the christmas.....
sending you lots of love
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Winner of the 2013 JCS Christmas Ornament Magazine...
Thank you for the warm welcome and I hope that I won't let anyone down.
The winner of the 2013 Christmas Ornament Magazine is....
Lisa V!
Congratulations to you Lisa. I will have your magazine in the mail today.
Thank you to those who took part. I hope to have another giveaway sometime in the near future.
Hugs, Carolyn
Monday, October 28, 2013
my first christmas gift from our dear friend JUNE..
so sweetttttttttttttttttttttt
...i will wait for the christmas to open it :)
thank you dear june..
you are a sweet heart...
i am so happy for my sweet gift from you <3
...sending you big beary hugs
cucki xxx
Monday, October 21, 2013
Announcing the new host and a Giveaway
I will be your new host for this blog. If there are any questions you have regarding anything please send me an email. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you. This is my first attempt at being a host of a blog. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I hope we can do many fun things together.
I will tell you a few things about me. My name is Carolyn and I am married to Bill. We have been together since 1991. We have one son William who turned 18 in September. We have two cats Kineo who is 6 years old and Mookie who is 2 years old.
My favorite thing to do is cross stitch. I've been stitching for 20 years and I don't want to stop. I also enjoy riding my bike, reading, listening to music, watching Nascar, football, and baseball.
I want to give a big "Thank You" to Angela for putting this blog and idea together and allowing me the opportunity to continue. If there are any questions that I can't answer she has graciously offered her service if needed. I hope I can fill her shoes.
I would like to start off with a giveaway. I have an extra copy of the 2013 Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments Magazine. If anyone is interested please leave a comment on this post. I will announce the winner on Tuesday October 29th. I will mail in the USA and Internationally. Good Luck to All!
Hugs and Happy Stitching, Carolyn
Friday, October 18, 2013
Anyone want to take over this blog?
I am looking for someone to take over this blog for me. Please email me if you are interested. I just don't have the time for stitching or blogging anymore but I really want to see the kindness continue on without me.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Snow Belles!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Thank you Gracie
such a huge treat from our dear GRACIE
..........i am having so much with them all...
lots of cute designs and my to do list is getting more longgggggggggggggg
kisses and love
happy cucki xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
another sweetiepie gift....
such a sweet day of postie and it truly made me smile :)
a big smile here :D)
My sweet friend ELENA sent me a sweetest gift.....
very sweet card...and...
look at this cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee sewing role....
The first sewing role of my little life........... cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
this is so cute and i truly love it from my heart <3
you so generous and so kind...i am very happy here.
aww look at my sweet birthday gift from my dear friend DAWN
such sweetttttttttttttt stitches ...cutie kitty pillow pin cushion....
sweet chartssssssssssssssss and very cute birthday card.
thank you dear....
you so sweet and so generous.
love you
cucki x
Monday, August 19, 2013
Hello everyone
Other than cross stitch I love my garden, like to read, knit, bake and I sometimes have a dabble at making cards.
Looking forward to getting to know you all, it's amazing that there are still blogs out there that I've not found before which is a nice surprise as I love to see what other stitchers are sewing.
Best wishes,
Sue x
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Two little chicks
Here are my two little chicks in their new forever home. ...thanks so much, Gaynor!
You have no idea how much this package cheered me up today!
hugs, lynda
i so much wanted to say a huge thank you to dear stitcheranon...for my lovely RAK.
..........they all so cute and i dearly love them.
you made my day dear friend.
big hugsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Missing RAKs
Please please can you double check re: your last addy. Carolyn especially!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
The winner of the 2013 JCS Halloween Ornament Magazine is...
The winner is....
Congratulations Gracie...I will be sending you an email shortly to get the magazine in the mail to you as soon as possible.
Thank you to everyone who took part. I will be having another giveaway soon.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Temporary Address Change/Group Changes Too!
Just wanted to let you all know that I am having to get all of my mail re-directed once again due to construction issues at my building. I'll be sending out a new Member List later on tonight with my temporary address. If you want to mail out any RAK's to me for the remainder of this year can you please use the temporary address. Sorry for any confusion :)
I've made a few changes to the group. I will continue to be hosting this blog and any future requests to join should still be sent to me (Angela) at apxstitch at gmail dot com. It is no longer a requirement to send out the one RAK in the first year of joining this blog. It's too confusing to keep track of it and it defeats the purpose of this blog which is to share kindness with others as you choose to.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Just Cross Stitch 2013 Halloween Magazine Giveaway!
I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in the latest JCS 2013 Halloween Magazine? I will mail to the USA and Internationally. Just leave your name on this post and I will choose a winner on Tuesday August 13, 2013. Good Luck!
Hugs, Carolyn
RAK sent
A second one almost ready to go
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Thank you, Cucki!!!
I received this lovely RAK from Cucki....thank you so much! This has been a very trying week for me and my family and your beautiful gift could not have come at a better time. Thank you again!
hugs, lynda
Thursday, August 1, 2013
RAK received!
Thank you so much.
RE the hospital: it went well. My surgeon came to see me even though he was meant to be on annual leave and I have had all sorts of tests done and will get the results next week. He is an amazing Dr and I am really lucky to have him.
So all is well (or better than it was).
Carolyn sent me my three favourite things. Tinkerbell and Daisies and the Sea!
A Tinkerball folder, a Tinkerbell Notebook, Tinkerbell tissue paper, Country Cottage Needleworks Surfside Cottage charts, which has the sea and the daisies on it, the linen and the threads needed to stitch it.
It is all perfect. Thank you so much Carolyn xxxxxxxxxx It really did make a difference to my day xxxxxx
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Three RAKs sent
I am so sorry but if they look like they have been shoved in envelopes and sent to you, it is because they have. Most of you will know I had breast cancer just under two years ago: well everything started to fall apart on Friday and I spent all of Sunday in A and E. I will get to see my specialists on Thursday so wish me luck.
I have got gift cards and wrapping paper but we have been so stressed I have done the usual...put them in a safe place and we are all too uptight to go around looking for them. You know how it is; the more you look the less you see.
Know that they are being sent with love and I hope you enjoy them xxxxx
The Cat's Meow
Accompanying the charts was one of the prettiest cards I've ever received.
Thank you so much Kaye for this wonderful RAK. I'm a huge fan of cats and these charts will be put to good use. I'm already trying to decide on a colour for the cat sampler.
Friday, July 26, 2013
RAK headed to....
RAK anyone???
Is this you?
If it is let me know!
Now, I have some lovely pin cushions looking for good homes.....but again, comment only if you LOVE chickens. I know, sounds weird. You don't have to love them as much as my husband! But at least really like chucks!
Trust me rofl xxxxx Let's give the Irish post some business ladies!!!
xxxxxxxxxxx Gaynor (stitcheranon)
Thank you.
Just love every thing and the doll is so pretty , you made my day thank you .
Saturday, July 13, 2013
RAK in the mail (:
An RAK is going for a bit of a trip to the other side of the world from me to ...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Pretty little hats.
I had a wonderful surprise in the post this afternoon from McKenna , thank you so much .
Look at these little sweet hats , they are so cute , and what better timing I have a new GGS coming this weekend and a GGD arriving in about two weeks time.
So pretty love the colours.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Jardin Prive Giveaway winner
........ is Lynn from Kearnel's Korner. Congratulations, Lynn.
Lynn, I have emailed you to let you know - please email me your snail mail address and these two lovely patterns will be on their way to you.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
giveaway winner
Will try to wrap it up and put it in the mail for you today
Hope you will like it!
Friday, June 28, 2013
An RAK for who? Maybe you?
I feel as if I have been so remiss! I have not yet had a chance to make a gorgeous RAK item for anyone of you. Life seems to be so busy with my family, my work, my sick Mum and the SALs, RR and Exchanges I am already involved in. But I do so want to be an active, generous member of this great blog!
So, I have been through my Stash Empire and I have chosen a couple of favourite Cat designs from Jardin Prive for the kitty cat lovers among you:
Please comment on this post and let me know if you would like them - if I have more than one person interested I will have a draw. I will keep this open until next Friday.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Received an awesome RAK
I received an awesome RAK from Linda O. I'll take and post a picture later today, but right now I have a sick 10 yr. old laying on me.
Linda, I am completely overwhelmed by all of the goodies that you sent me. It was such a wonderful surprise. The box that you sent everything in was amazing also.
Thanks again for totally spoiling me.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Wonderful Postie Day
Her DH made me a lovely stuffer tool to help me get the stuffing into my wee pin pillows ... this is one tool I will use a lot and can't wait to give it a try out ....... thank you once again Melanie :) love mouse xxxxx
beautifully wrapped |
simply gorgeous |
look at the bling on the lace :) |
my new stuffing tool :) |
RAK giveaway
This is the last needle book I finished. The chart is by Nikyscreations, and I worked it on a rather coarse fabric, to give it a more rustic look. I like the way it turned out, and would love to give it away as a gift. I know that not everyone is into primitive designs, but if you like it, just let me know. Either leave a comment on here or send me an email.
If more than one is interested, I will draw a name on Friday.

Monday, June 24, 2013
Birthday gift from June
Thank you for your kindness June...
Sunday, June 23, 2013
RAK Package Going Out
Linda O
RAK ready to go
I have just parcelled up an RAK ready to go in the post tomorrow. Hope the recipient likes it and can enjoy using the small gifts made with loving care x
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Thank you
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Taking a break...
I truly love doing RAKs for others. I love miniatures, cross stitch, needlework, I paint miniatures on porcelain and LOVE Limoges boxes, dogs, horses, classic movies and John Wayne.....oh - and I must mention my wonderful husband - my soul mate. He is amazing. We live on a small farm in Iowa, raise our own organic beef, have an upper garden and a lower garden and orchard. Our dogs keep us entertained. We have a Giant Schnauzer named Bella (big, black and 85 pounds) - and a tea cup Schnauzer named Emma (tiny, white and 5 pounds).
My birthday is July 19th. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and developing our friendships through cyber space.
Wanted: Good Home!
I decided to take pics of the 2 ornaments I recently finished that are now looking for a new home. I will mail them out individually to 2 RAK members at random. If you are able to give either a good home please leave a comment letting me know which one you would prefer :) I will automatically include those that have entered into my previous posts. I'll be mailing them out in the middle of July.
After these RAK's I will be taking a bit of a break from sending some out until later in the year or maybe next depending on time, budget etc. I will still be your host and please continue to forward any questions you may have to me. Until further notice can you please remove me from any future RAK's.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Thank You Lynda
I dont know what is is about the mail to here lately but everything seems to take the slow plane to arrive. I just received other gifts aswell and they were all posted around May 20-25.